El marketing se va sofisticando. Esto se debe en parte a la presencia dominante de Internet y de los teléfonos "Smart Phone" que permiten a los usuarios ver su correo electrónico, conectarse con sus cuentas de Facebook y Twitter a todas horas del día desde su teléfono. Debido a esto las empresas pueden aprovechar de este desarrollo y llegar a su clientela potencial las 24 horas del día, siete días a la semana. Sin embargo, debemos tener en cuenta que los potenciales clientes están cada vez más demandantes y exigen información que realmente les interese. Ha llegado el momento de construir relaciones efectivas con tus clientes. No les digas lo que tú quieres decir - dales la información que les sea útil y así ganarás su confianza. ¡Bienvenido al mundo de "Content Marketing"! If interruption advertising (e.g. TV and radio commercials) is the Neanderthal of the Marketing world, then Content Marketing is the Homo Sapien. Now that DVR systems such as TiVo allow people to screen out advertisements, smart companies are thinking ahead and providing their clients with content that is both relevant and valuable. According to America’s respected GfK Roper Public Affairs customer research organisation, 80 per cent of people have stated that they would prefer to receive company information in a series of articles rather than traditional advertisements, 70 per cent claim that Content Marketing makes them more kindly disposed towards a company while 60 per cent revealed that company content has helped them to make better decisions about which product or service to choose. Seth Godin, widely acknowledged as one of America’s leading Marketing experts says, “Content Marketing is not the future – it is the present.” If you would like to know more about Content Marketing and how your company can benefit from this new philosophy, Redline Company can provide a plan that will help you to connect more effectively with your potential client base.