I am an International Business and Languages student (IBL) student who had the privilege to choose a company abroad to do an internship to kick start my third year of studying. When searching for suitable companies to work for, a previous Redline intern told me about the amazing time she had at Redline Company and she recommended I speak to the Redline team.
I looked up the company and I was immediately interested, so I applied by e-mail, had a lovely email in return and luckily for me, they were interested in hiring a new intern. I told them that I was looking for a marketing internship for five months, starting in the summer. I send them my CV and personal details, we signed the contract and that was that.
When my first work day arrived, I went to Redline feeling a little nervous. But from the very first moment I entered Redline, I felt very comfortable because the people were so friendly and the atmosphere was just so tranquil. The first day of starting at any company, you will feel nervous of course, because you need to get to know the company and the way they work. My co-workers showed me around the office and told me what the main tasks were as an intern at Redline.

On the first day I was given a small to-do list; writing a small text about myself and taking a picture, so they could introduce me on the company´s social media and website. At Redline they work with graphic design programmes and I never worked with them before, so it was all new. My co-workers understood that I was here to learn and that I needed time to get to know the programmes. After my first few weeks, I had already learned a lot and I could even design something from scratch. I helped with designing billboards, flyers, brochures and websites. I was also given tasks that involved writing and I really liked doing that. I wrote texts for blogs, websites and social media posts and I learned to write in better English.

This issue is all about Redline´s 13th birthday and Redline´s boss, Line, gave me the opportunity to be in charge of the organisation of Redline´s birthday party. I felt both overwhelmed and excited at the same time, because I never had this kind of experience before. I needed to plan everything from the beginning until the end, so I set up an action plan with all of the things that needed to be done. This was really a challenge and I was given a great deal of responsibility, but it was so much fun to be in charge of arranging everything. The end result of this project is our amazing “We love Pizza and Puppies Party” to celebrate Redline´s 13th birthday.
I am currently in my 8th week and I am having an amazing time at Redline. I really enjoy going to work every morning as I know I have plenty of things to do and that the day will go by very quickly. What is unique about Redline is that every day is different and that keeps it interesting. I get many challenging tasks and responsibility but it gives me a great deal of experience. Sometimes it is exciting to get a new task and you don´t know what to do, but if you never try something new, then you will be not able to learn new things and you will never grow as a person.
I am looking forward to the rest of my internship at Redline because I have already learned so much the past eight weeks. I am curious to see what else I can learn the next three months! This internship abroad feels like one big exciting adventure and I will definitely recommend it to other students. If you have an interest in different cultures and you like to challenge yourself, then take an internship abroad and you will not regret it.