Presenting the suborbital trip in conjunction with Zero2infinity CRIS&KIM Travel Designers, is offering its customers a brand new experience, giving them the opportunity to see the earth from space in a balloon, a unique trip made possible thanks to the work and experience of the team at Zero2infinity. The press conference will be attended by the Councillor for Tourism Marbella Town Hall Excellency Mr D. José Luis Hernández, Mrs Cristina Leyva director of CRIS&KIM, and Ms Annelie Shoenmaker from zero2infiniy. The presentation will take place on Thursday, June 27 at 13:00 at CRIS&KIMs office situated at Avenida Canovas del Castillo no. 1 in Marbella – the blue house next to the copper tower opposite the Palacio de Congresos de Marbella and next to Burger King. What better way to discover the land than traveling into the stratosphere by balloon, with CRIS&KIM anything is possible!